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Nuance Investments is a classic value investment firm headquartered in Kansas City. Nuance was formed on the belief that the ability to outperform the broad stock market is predicated on a consistent and disciplined value investing approach. The Nuance investment team’s sole focus is generating investment returns for clients by diligently reviewing one company at a time on its own investment merits.

Compliance Team

How to invest

Nuance has been managing portfolios for individuals and institutions using the same classic value investment philosophy since first registering as an investment advisor in 2008. If you would like to receive material describing our services, including our historical performance records, please contact us.

Nuance Investments, LLC
4900 Main Street, Suite 220
Kansas City, MO 64112
Telephone: (816) 743-7080
Fax: (816) 743-7099

How to invest

Nuance Investments, LLC • 4900 Main Street, Suite 220, Kansas City, MO 64112​

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